North Carolina
Population, Area, and Density
The population of North Carolina is 9,943,964 people based on the U.S. Census Bureau's 2014 estimate. North Carolina is ranked number 9 out of 56 U.S. States and Territories in terms of highest population. This is 72.5% above the national average of 5,763,868 people.
The total area in North Carolina is 53,819.1 square miles. There state is 90.3% land and 9.7% water. The population density in North Carolina is 204.5 people per square mile (21st out of 56).
Population Density Calculation
Population Density = Total Population ÷ Total Land AreaPopulation Density = 9,943,964 people ÷ 48,618.0 sq mi
Population Density = 204.5 people per sq mile
2014 | 2010 | 2000 | |
Population | 9,943,964 (9th out of 56) | 9,535,483 (10th out of 56) | 8,049,313 (11th out of 56) |
National Average | 5,763,868 | 5,586,545 | 5,100,365 |
Difference | 72.5% above avg | 70.7% above avg | 57.8% above avg |
Miles2 | Kilometers2 | Acres | ||
Total Area | 53,819.1 mi2 | 139,391 km2 | 34,444,213 acres | (28th out of 56) |
Land Area | 48,618.0 mi2 | 125,920 km2 | 31,115,462 acres | (90.3%) |
Water Area | 5,201.2 mi2 | 13,471 km2 | 3,328,751 acres | (9.7%) |
National Average | 4,821.4 mi2 | 12,487 km2 | 3,085,666 acres |
Population Density
2014 | 2010 | 2000 | |
Density (people per sq mi) | 204.5 (21st out of 56) | 196.1 (21st out of 56) | 165.6 (23rd out of 56) |
Average (people per sq mi) | 434.9 | 415.6 | 398.2 |
Difference | 53.0% below avg | 52.8% below avg | 58.4% below avg |