Population, Area, and Density
The population of Colorado is 5,355,866 people based on the U.S. Census Bureau's 2014 estimate. Colorado is ranked number 22 out of 56 U.S. States and Territories in terms of highest population. This is 7.1% below the national average of 5,763,868 people.
The total area in Colorado is 104,093.5 square miles. There state is 99.6% land and 0.4% water. The population density in Colorado is 51.7 people per square mile (43rd out of 56).
Population Density Calculation
Population Density = Total Population ÷ Total Land AreaPopulation Density = 5,355,866 people ÷ 103,641.8 sq mi
Population Density = 51.7 people per sq mile
2014 | 2010 | 2000 | |
Population | 5,355,866 (22nd out of 56) | 5,029,196 (22nd out of 56) | 4,301,261 (24th out of 56) |
National Average | 5,763,868 | 5,586,545 | 5,100,365 |
Difference | 7.1% below avg | 10.0% below avg | 15.7% below avg |
Miles2 | Kilometers2 | Acres | ||
Total Area | 104,093.5 mi2 | 269,601 km2 | 66,619,755 acres | (8th out of 56) |
Land Area | 103,641.8 mi2 | 268,431 km2 | 66,330,642 acres | (99.6%) |
Water Area | 451.7 mi2 | 1,170 km2 | 289,113 acres | (0.4%) |
National Average | 4,821.4 mi2 | 12,487 km2 | 3,085,666 acres |
Population Density
2014 | 2010 | 2000 | |
Density (people per sq mi) | 51.7 (43rd out of 56) | 48.5 (43rd out of 56) | 41.5 (43rd out of 56) |
Average (people per sq mi) | 434.9 | 415.6 | 398.2 |
Difference | 88.1% below avg | 88.3% below avg | 89.6% below avg |