District of Columbia, District Of Columbia Gender Ratios

Gender Ratio:


Total Population:


There are more women than men in District of Columbia, District Of Columbia. Total population of District of Columbia, District Of Columbia is estimated at 658,893 people with 312,600 male and 346,293 female. There are 33,693 more women than men in the county, which is 5.11% of the total population.

The District of Columbia, District Of Columbia Gender Ratio is 90 men to 100 women (90:100) or 0.9. District of Columbia, District Of Columbia's gender ratio is equal to the District Of Columbia State average of 90 men to 100 women (90:100) or 0.9. The gender ratio is also lower than the national average of 97 men to 100 women (97:100) or 0.97.

Note: All ratios are written as Male to Female

District of Columbia, District Of Columbia Gender Ratios By Age

Gender Ratios vary by age group as well as location. The table below shows the gender ratios breakdown in District of Columbia, District Of Columbia by age.

Age RangeDistrict of Columbia RatioDistrict Of Columbia State RatioNationwide Ratio
0 to 4104 to 100 104 to 100104 to 100
5 to 9101 to 100 101 to 100104 to 100
10 to 14100 to 100 100 to 100104 to 100
15 to 1989 to 100 89 to 100105 to 100
20 to 2487 to 100 87 to 100105 to 100
25 to 2984 to 100 84 to 100100 to 100
30 to 3492 to 100 92 to 100100 to 100
35 to 3997 to 100 97 to 100100 to 100
40 to 44101 to 100 101 to 100100 to 100
45 to 49102 to 100 102 to 100100 to 100
50 to 54100 to 100 100 to 100100 to 100
55 to 5991 to 100 91 to 10093 to 100
60 to 6484 to 100 84 to 10093 to 100
65 to 6978 to 100 78 to 10079 to 100
70 to 7475 to 100 75 to 10079 to 100
75 to 7970 to 100 70 to 10079 to 100
80 to 8459 to 100 59 to 10079 to 100
85 and over45 to 100 45 to 10079 to 100

Cities in District of Columbia, District Of Columbia

Gender Ratios on this page are an aggregate of the gender ratios in the following cities within the region:
Naval Anacost Annex, Parcel Return Service, Washington, and Washington Navy Yard.

Other acceptable city names that fall in this region include:
Anacostia, Anacostia Anx, Washington, Bolling Afb, Chevy Chase, Fort Lesley J Mcnair, Fort Mcnair, Ft L J Mcnair, Fort Mcnair, Marine Barrks, Us Marine Corps Barracks, Naval Sea Sys, Naval Sea Systems Command, Washington, Washington Na, Navy Annex, Pentagon, Prs, Washington, and Washington Na.

** This Document Provided By States101.com **
Source: https://www.states101.com/gender-ratios/district-of-columbia/district-of-columbia