Michigan Michigan State Flag

The Michigan flag was formally adopted on June 26, 1911. Since, Michigan has maintained the same flag for the last 114 years.

The Michigan flag was voted 44th best out of 51 Flags ranked by the North American Vexillological Association.

The 6 main colors in the Michigan flag are #00287E, #86473F, #FFFFFF, #B37535, #006FFF, and #000000. The Michigan flag width is 1.5 times the height. Standard flag size is 3 feet x 4.5 feet.

We also provide high resolution and Scalar Vector Graph (SVG) downloadable images — free of charge. Go to Flag Downloads.

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Michigan Flag

The Michigan State Flag. Adopted by State Legislature on June 26, 1911.


#00287E 79%
#86473F 5.5%
#FFFFFF 3.6%
#B37535 2.2%
#006FFF 1.7%
#000000 1.4%
Percentage totals may not equal 100. Colors with less than 1 percent are ignored.


The Michigan state flag is similar to that of Wisconsin in that a field of dark blue holds the state’s coat of arms. The state coat of arms includes a light blue shield with the word "Tuebor," meaning "I will defend." Below that, the sun rises over a lake with a frontiersman standing on a grassy peninsula with one hand raised and the other holding a gun. An elk and a moose stand on either side of the shield while a bald eagle perches overhead. Above the eagle is a red banner with the national motto, "E Pluribus Unum." Below the shield is a white banner that says, "Si Quaeris Peninsulam Amoenam Circumspice." The Latin translation means, "If you seek a pleasant peninsula, look about you."


The Michigan flag has much meaning within its coat of arms. The man on the shield has his hand raised in a greeting of friendship, while the rifle he holds represents the right to fight for the state. The elk and moose symbolize the state of Michigan while the eagle embodies the nation as a whole.


The Michigan state flag was first revealed at the laying of the corner stone at the monument of the Soldier's National Cemetery at Gettysburg in 1865. The current flag was adopted by the Legislature in 1911 and is the third official state flag. The first flag included a portrait of Michigan's first governor, Stevens Thomson Mason, as well as the state coat of arms. Mason was dropped from the second version of the flag and replaced with the United States coat of arms beside the Michigan coat of arms. However, the current version displays only the Michigan coat of arms. Michigan's state flag also includes three separate Latin mottos, more than that of any other state flag!

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** This Document Provided By States101.com **
Source: https://www.states101.com/flags/michigan