Kansas Kansas State Flag

The Kansas flag was formally adopted on September 22, 1961. Since, Kansas has maintained the same flag for the last 64 years.

The Kansas flag was voted 54th best out of 51 Flags ranked by the North American Vexillological Association.

The 3 main colors in the Kansas flag are #00009C, #FFFFFF, and #FFB30F. The Kansas flag width is 1.7 times the height. Standard flag size is 3 feet x 5.1 feet.

We also provide high resolution and Scalar Vector Graph (SVG) downloadable images — free of charge. Go to Flag Downloads.

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Kansas Flag

The Kansas State Flag. Adopted by State Legislature on September 22, 1961.


#00009C 85.8%
#FFFFFF 2.3%
#FFB30F 2.3%
Percentage totals may not equal 100. Colors with less than 1 percent are ignored.


The Kansas flag consists of a blue field containing the state’s seal. Just above, sits a sunflower on a gold and blue bar while the state’s name, “Kansas” appears in bold letters beneath the seal.

Inside the seal appears a great landscape that depicts a flowing river, steamboat, plowman, cabin, bison, American Indians, and wagons against a backdrop of rising mountains. Above the landscape sit thirty-four stars sheltered by the words, “Ad Astra per aspera.”


The state crest which includes the blue and gold bar represents the Louisiana Purchase in 1803. This was when the United States obtained Kansas, Montana, North Dakota, Minnesota, Wyoming, South Dakota, Nebraska, Iowa, Missouri, Colorado, Oklahoma, Arkansas and Louisiana from the French. The sunflower sitting on top of the bar is shown torn from its stem with some believing it exemplifies the fearlessness with which Kansas meets her problems and solves them. The sunflower is thought to represent open frankness.

The state seal which is the most detailed part of the Kansas flag tells the historical story of Kansas itself. The thirty-four stars represent Kansas as the 34th state. Above the stars is the motto ‘Ad Astra per aspera’ which is Latin for ‘to the stars through difficulties’.

The rolling hills around Fort Riley, an important military base in Kansas’s history, are reflected in the seal while American Indians are shown hunting bison on the prairies. Wagons shown heading west with their oxen mirror the expanding frontier and its opportunity. Farmers plowing their fields before cabins represent Kansas’s agricultural assets. Steamboats navigating the Kansas River are delivering supplies to Manhattan and Fort Riley showing the commerce that is within the state.


Adopted on May 21, 1927 the Kansas state flag was brought in to replace the banner that had been used between 1925 and 1927 which consisted of a large sunflower and the word Kansas on a blue field. The change was made due to the banner being rejected as a state symbol that could be hung in Washington DC. The adopted flag itself was modified in 1961 to add the state name in gold capitals giving us the flag we know today.

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** This Document Provided By States101.com **
Source: https://www.states101.com/flags/kansas